Sunday, September 13, 2015


Lushish Men has six new Football theme shirts.
Tee Shirts are in mesh and fitted mesh with 2 versions tucked in and tucked out.
Standard sizes extra small through extra large. Fitted works best with mesh bodies
Available ONLY on marketplace.
99 Problems but my TEAM ain't one
We interrupt this MARRIAGE to bring you FOOTBALL SEASON
Sunday Funday

Sunday, March 29, 2015


Lushish Men - *NEW* Rasta Beachwear
Mesh swimming brief that come in the sizes xs - xl.
It includes a hud with 15 Rasta theme designs.
Available on Marketplace, main store and oLala on 4/1 at 25% off only at this event.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

St. Patrick's Day Promo & Gift

Lushish Men - St Patrick's Day theme items for men.
Irish - white mesh shirt with 6 designs on a hud changer.
Shirts can be worn tucked in or out.
Sizes xs-xl and 4 different alpha layers.
This is a PROMO deal that can be found on the Marketplace
You can also purchase a copy in main store but you will need to join the group which is free.
Free gift - SL Free and Offers group members 
YOU MUST BE WEARING SL Free and Offers tag for a copy.
Mesh boxers are in black and white with the words
Kiss Me, I'm Irish in the back.
Sizes xs-l with alpha.

Friday, January 23, 2015


Lushish MEN new release KYLE
Loose baggy jeans that hang a bit low with bottom folded upwards.
A hud is available offering 6 jean tones and 2 with plaid texture on the bottom fold.
Available also on Marketplace

Thursday, January 22, 2015

new release

Lushish Men has 2 new release.
Open shirts in solid colors
Available in 8 different colors
Mesh sizes are xs - xl w/ 2 alpha
Each sold for $50L or save by purchasing the fatpack at $225L
Fatpack available on Marketplace

Tim - baggy shorts fatpack come in 5 different colors - PROMO Sale $99L this week only in world
Marketplace original price